John Newby - Home

This is my personal website.

In case you wish to contact me, my email address is john[@] On telegram I am @jsnewby, and the same on Signal. You can book a meeting with me using my calendly link. If you would like to know what I do professionally then my LinkedIn profile will give you an idea of my career to date. I also have a Github repository with some software I've developed.

Whilst at TZ Connect, a regional hub for the Tezos blockchain, I recorded an interview which I think gives a good idea of me.

During the first lockdown my husband and I documented the sad short lives of a pigeon family who lived with us for a while. The story is documented here. There are also some 3d printing models I've made over the years. The picture to the right is from a 3d scan of me by the amazing people at BlueVishnu, which I made into a 3d printable model using Blender. If you would like to print yourself a tiny John, right-click and save this link.

My husband Mr Peter Selander is the owner of The Multiverse, a fandom/sweet shop and cafe in Berlin's Friedrichshain neighbourhood.

If you're thinking about working with me, you might want more info on my technical skills.